On Tuesday it was going to 100*F, we don't have air conditioning at our house. I have realized that heat and little ones don't mix very well. I'm not talking about health, I'm talking about attitude. Three little ones with cranky attitudes leads to one mama with a cranky attitude. Pretty much, not fun for anyone involved.
I woke up, already hot, on Tuesday morning and knew we needed to get out of the house. Thankfully we had some errands to run. We had a birthday present to buy for the cutest little girl we know and Corbin was super excited.
I decided to brave the Mall of America, with three little one, all by myself! Ok, so in all seriousness, it's really not hard to take them all there. They love it since there is so much to look at and I love it because, well, because I love to shop.
It just happened to be Toddler Tuesday at the mall, which is amazing. As a parent, it is a wonderful way to entertain your kids with things that interest them. You are able to give them experiences that you otherwise might not be able to.
This Tuesday was "Play Ball!"
There were games, coloring, exercises, face painting and pictures with TC Bear. I wasn't sure how the boys would respond to a man in big bear costume but it was LOVE! Corbin was bouncing up and down in line the whole time, he could hardly wait for his turn. And when it was our turn, Si got out of his stroller (faster than I've ever seen before), ran to TC and gave him a big bear hug. It was hard to tear them away. By the way, it was totally coincidence that Corbin had his Twins shirt on. He loves the twins, but I'll tell you about that another time.

After pictures we waited in another line for face painting. Corbin thought he got to paint his own face and was sadly disappointed when he found out that was not the case. Both boys sat very still during the face-painting. Hmmmm, maybe I need to start doing that at home.

So, that's the "bear" portion of this series. Maybe tomorrow I'll write the "beet" portion. I guess you'll have to wait and see!