Friday, July 16, 2010

A long past due update

I can hardly believe I have been so neglectful of the blog. June wasn't to eventful for us. We found out that we are having another boy!! Oh my word, our house is going to be crazy! We celebrated out 5th anniversary. It was so nice to be able to go out to dinner with out screaming children.

We spent almost a week up with Caseys family for the 4th of July. We had so much fun playing at the lake and fishing. Corbin and Silas are water babies. I think I would stay in the water all day if I let them. Corbin and Casey went fishing, I'll post pictures of all the fish Corbin caught. Ofcourse he practices catch and release, much to the chagrin of great-grandpa.

Now we are back at home. Trying very hard to get life in order and undercontrol. At 26 weeks pregnant I have been having too many contractions. I have been put on modified bedrest. No lifting, errand running, cooking. Ofcourse this is easy with a 2 year old and an almost 1 year old. I had to go into the dr the other day because my contractions were 3-5 minutes apart. Fortunately my tests came back negative, which means there is only a small chanc of delivery in the next two weeks. Yea! I am thrilled that I am still only on modified bedrest and not in the hospital. I am praying that this little guy can stay in long enough and I don't end up in the hospital on bedrest.

I am so thankful for friends who have offered to help with meals and watching the boys. It is a true blessing and I am overwhelmed by their generosity and love for us! Here is the link if you want to sign up to help too:

To access Lacey Johnson's personal CareCalendar site,
visit and enter the following
information in the appropriate spaces:

    CALENDAR ID      :   45162
    SECURITY CODE :   6126

We will be needing help for the next few months. Also, Casey will be out of town for the second week of august.

So, that's our update for now. I'm hoping to have a little more time to blog and post pictures next weekend. Please continue to pray for our baby and pray that people will continue to be able to help.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you and all your boys :) Looking forward to bringing you dinner August 6th :) PLEASE let me know if you and the boys would prefer something else!

    Love you- thinking of you!


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