Monday, April 11, 2011

A "Time Flies" Moment

Tomorrow morning at 6:30 on the dot my baby will be SIX months old. I can hardly believe that it has been that long since I was in the hospital with him.

Thankfully, bed rest and labor seem ages away. And usually at this point I am already a few months into my next pregnancy, but not this time. That time for us has passed and it is bittersweet. I'm not sure if I could physically handle another pregnancy. Each of my pregnancies was quite a bit harder than the previous one. Also, I'm not sure if I could mentally handle the extra noise. Yikes, boys sure are noisy!

But this moment is sad. There is a finality of this stage of our lives. I am trying to soak in each moment. Because now we are in a season of lasts with our littlest one. With each "first" there is a "last".

Today was the first time my little one ate cereal. His first taste of anything but milk. His last day of getting nourishment exclusively from me. He loved his cereal. And boy was he mad when the bowl was empty. I am thankful that is has never been a struggle with my boys to eat baby food. Now, the task of making baby food!

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