Saturday, February 12, 2011

When The Cat Is Away, The Mice Will Play

Maybe the phrase should really be......

When the husband is away, the wife will redecorate!

As I have mentioned, Casey and Corbin went on a little "adventure" this week. We had been at Casey's parents over the weekend and when we returned home on monday Casey found out we wasn't going to be working all week. He decided it would be a good idea to go back up north and bring Corbin with him. I thought this was a great idea. It gave each of us a little break from being with all three kids and it allowed Corbin and Silas to have one on one time with mom and dad.

All that being said, I also thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get a few things done around the house that Casey may or may not have wanted to participate in.

On my list of things to do:
1. Purchase, cut and install pegboard in laundry room. (Just one wall, not the whole thing.)
2. Pick out a new paint color for the living room. The color we had just didn't work with our newer furniture.
3. Have all of the cushions remade. (This was most definitely professionally done)

On my mom's list of things to do:
1. All of the above mentioned
2. Fix up the guest room
3. Organize anything and everything she could get her hands on
4. Figure out a good place for the boys winter jackets
5. Figure out where my mail should go

I eventually cut off her list, I'm pretty sure it would have kept going and going. Don't get me wrong, sometimes my mom's obsessive-compulsive organizing it a great thing and sometimes I just want to take a nap. ;)

Here are the pictures of all that was accomplished on Friday and Saturday. Yes, we left all the actual work until two days before the boys were to come home.

The living room has always been yellow. I love yellow as a paint color. However, my previous yellow was called "lightening bolt" and this is now "macadamia nut". It was a tad bit on the electric side and a little too lemony-green. Now it is warm, calm, and soothing(I'm praying the paint calms my children.)

We didn't do a lot to our "guest room". We raised the bed because it used to be really low to the ground, added a dust ruffle, a new table and lamp. Just a little more finished until it is really "finished".

Much needed pegboard for storing our suitcases.

Added hooks to the back door. Now the boys can hang up their own jackets!!

My new mail holder and our wine crate shoe bin.

The mail holder

And now my finally sleeping baby

I am so excited that all of this was accomplished. I am hopeful that my sweet hubby will like it too, especially since he didn't have to do any of it. And I will say, none of this would have happened with out massive amounts of help from my parents. Thank you both, it was a great birthday present.

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