Sunday, September 25, 2011


There have certainly been a lot of first around here lately. I feel like I should probably write them down lest I forget, which is often the case. Life seems to fly by most days. I usually feel like I am just trying to stay above the waves but am recently feeling like we are riding the waves and starting to enjoy it.

Life is full of adventure and growth.
Every moment is new.
Every breath is a gift.
Every smile should be cherished.
Every "I love you" said often and with a full heart, never taken for granted.
Every kiss should be precious.
Every hug given tightly with enthusiasm.
Every prayer never ceasing spoken in earnest.

Corbin started preschool. He was a little nervous the first morning walking into class but now is so excited to go and hates to leave at the end of the day. He goes three days a week and would probably go every day if we let him. He loves it. Mrs. Plaep and Mrs. Stromberg told me that he loves to explore and try new things. He is adventurous and outgoing. I can't wait to see what they think of Si next year. Boy are they going to have their hands full with the two of them!

Si is learning new words everyday. A month ago he was barely talking. Now it is non-stop. I wonder if Rollie will take after Casey is the talking area, certainly the other two don't. His current favorite phrases are: "I wanna go to Gamma's house", "I don know", "huggie", "I wanna hot-doggie", "thank you, honey". Yes, he calls me honey. I love it.

My sweet Rollie is finally getting his first tooth, well, two actually. He has these two cute little teeth coming in on the bottom. It is so fun to see his new little smile. I makes him seem so much older. He is walking along the furniture and starting to let go. Is it bad that I want to push him down? I just don't want him to be this big already.

Those are the new things for this week. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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